ArchiWorld Network

Consiglio Nazionale Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti Conservatori

  ATTIVITA' , Image Gallery  
Image Gallery

Image Gallery

In this area, the National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Curators is publishing a series of images aimed to stimulate in reflecting upon the Italian contemporary territory.

The ambition is to shun any stereotyped or comforting vision of landscape and built environment by setting, thanks to a reliable series of contributions, an area allowing comparison between fields and conditions in which, nowadays, the architect, the planner, the landscaper and the curator practice the profession.

Such an activity wants to highlight the various possibilities of reading, understanding and also transforming the build and anthropized environment.

Each contribution provided by some of the greatest Italian photographers, screened through their special sensibility and attention represents the first step towards the development of a reflecting process upon the Italian contemporary territory, a process that will involve in the next months many other reliable protagonists that are playing a leading role in the national culture.



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