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Energy Globe 2005 environmental award - Austria

Energy Globe 2005 environmental award - Austria
Tipologia del Premio:
Energy Globe Award
0043 / 7612 / 66 66 3-0
0043 / 7612 / 66 66 3-33


The Energy Globe Awards are presented to the best-implemented projects from around the world, which contribute to the protection of the four basic elements of life, thereby providing valuable assistance in the preservation of our planet. This "World Award for Sustainability" is presented in the categories earth, fire (energy), water and air as well as in the special category youth. Anyone from anywhere can participate in this unique competition with an initiative or project that concerns itself with the sustainable and efficient use of the four elements or -in the field of education - has stirred and strengthened environmental awareness on a broad level.
Earth : for the continent with the highest population density - Asia, the resource earth is mostly important.
Fire : the USA has the highest per capita energy consumption - a challenge it has to meet in the future
Water : water is essential for the survival of Africa
Air : Europe is a model fighting for clean air as outlined in the Kyoto protocol.
Youth : Australia, the "youngest" continent is predetermined for the category "youth".
The Energy Globe awards best practice projects and initiatives for a careful and efficient use of our resources.
The Energy Globe Award is a national (e.g. Austrian) and international environmental award.
Every year about 1000 projects from about 100 countries are submitted.
The Globes are presented to the winners during an international TV report.
The TV report is broadcasted within a scope of 2 bn. people.
The Energy Globe is supported by the EU, UN, OECD, Austrian Ministries, etc.
The Energy Globe wants to present sustainable projects, which are replicable to a world wide audience.
Chairman of the international jury: Ashok Khosla, President/Development Alternatives, Vice President Club of Rome.
Project screening through an evaluation committee with expert members form EREC, UN, IAEA, Seibersdorf, Ministry for the Environment, Energie AG , etc.
Final project evaluation through a high ranking international jury with internationally acknowledged and well known experts in the field sustainability from all continents.
Application 05
Energy Globe 05
Closing date for all projects participating in the Energy Globe Award is the 30th of June 2005



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