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Praemium Imperiale - Giappone

Praemium Imperiale - Giappone
Tipologia del Premio:
Japan Art Association


The Japan Art Association celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1988. In the previous year, Prince Takamatsu, who was serving his 58th year as governor of the Association, passed away. The Praemium Imperiale, a group of prizes to support the development of art and culture worldwide, was established the following year, according to the last wishes of Prince Takamatsu.
Praemium Imperiale honors artists who have contributed significantly to the development of international arts and culture. At the same time, it is hoped that the prize will serve to encourage future generations of artists. The Japan Art Association wishes to acknowledge and express gratitude to creators of art.
The Japan Art Association hopes that the Praemium Imperiale will serve to promote increased international cooperation and understanding, and contribute to world peace. The Praemium Imperiale is based on the idea that the arts celebrate man's creativity and are the reflection of his spirit and enduring legacy.
Princess Takamatsu, granddaughter of Yoshinobu Tokugawa, the last Shogun of the Tokugawa period (1600-1867), continues to carry out Prince Takamatsu's work in the arts, in social welfare and medicine. She now serves as honorary governor of the Cancer Research Fund that she established and participates in the annual activities of the Japan Art Association's Praemium Imperiale.
- Purpose of the Prize
Art and culture contribute greatly to the peace and prosperity of mankind. The Praemium Imperiale was established to honor individuals or groups from all over the world that make outstanding contributions to the development, promotion, and progress of the arts.
- Categories
The Prize will be awarded to artists in the categories of painting, sculpture, architecture, music, and theatre/film.
- Number of Recipients
In principle, one artist in each field per year.
- Prize
A commemorative gold medal and an honorarium of ¥15,000,000
- Nomination of Candidates for the Praemium Imperiale
Six nomination committees, each chaired by an international advisor, survey individual artists without reference to nationality or regional representation. The committees submit a list of nominations to the Japan Art Association.
- Selection of Recipients
The list of candidates from the nomination committees is reviewed by the Selection Committee organized within the Japan Art Association. There are five subcommittees representing the five categories of the Praemium Imperiale. Trustees of the Japan Art Association chair the subcommittees. The Selection Committee is composed of specialists in Japan in each field of the Praemium Imperiale. Although reappointment is permitted, members are selected annually. The Board of Trustees of the Japan Art Association determines the recipients in each category based on Selection Committees recommendations.
- Eligibility
Artists who have made outstanding accomplishments in artistic fields.



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