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Free provision of services


MIUR compulsory check on written applications

The applicant must contact the competent authority (Ministero dell'Istruzione Università e Ricerca - MIUR - Piazzale Kennedy, 20 Roma - tel. +32 6 97727450). MIUR is the body authorized by the Italian law (Legislative Decree no. 206 of 9th November 2007) to receive and verify the request from the service provider who wants to get a temporary registration in Italy. The above mentioned decree sets out that the applicant is required to use the Italian language for all the procedures.

Declaration to be made in advance, if the service provider moves:

- 30 days before the applicant moves to the territory of the host member state to pursue the profession, he shall inform MIUR with a written declaration including the following items:
- the nature of the provision of services;
- details of any insurance cover or other means of personal or collective protection with regard to professional liability;

The registration of the temporary and occasional provision shall be renewed once a year if the service provider intends to provide temporary or occasional services after the deadline.
If the service provider first moves from one member state to another, he shall add the following items:
a) proof of the nationality of the service provider;
b) an attestation certifying that the holder is legally established in a Member State for the     purpose of practising the concerned activities and that he is not prohibited from practising, even temporarily, at the moment of delivering the attestation;
c) evidence of professional qualifications;
d) evidence of no criminal convictions;

Anyway, the service provider shall inform the public social security body for the profession without register or pay any fee.
There is no registration cost, but the delivery charges of the written declaration, which has to be sent to MIUR.

Competent authority's (MIUR) prior check

Within a maximum of one month of receipt of the declaration and of accompanying documents, the competent authority (MIUR), after assessing the temporary and occasional nature of the provision of services, in particular in relation to its duration, its frequency, its regularity and its continuity, endeavour to inform the service provider either of its decision not to check his qualifications, or of the outcome of such a check.

Where there is a difficulty which would result in delay, the competent authority (MIUR) shall notify the service provider, within the first month, the reason for the delay and the timescale for a decision, which must be finalised within the second month of receipt of the complete documentation.
If the competent authority lacks an answer, within the deadlines set in the previous paragraph, the service may be provided.

Finally, MIUR informs the local "Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori", competent in the territory chosen to pursue the profession, so that the local secretariat will see to register the applicant.

Professional title

The service shall be provided under the professional title used in Italy.

Information to be given to the recipients about the service

The applicant shall inform the recipients of the service as follows:
- professional association with which the service provider is registered;
- the professional title;
- if the service provider performs an activity subject to VAT;
- details of any insurance cover or other means of personal or collective protection with regard to professional liability.
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