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General information



Legislative decree no. 206 of 9th November 2007 shall apply to all nationals of a Member State (in which they obtained their professional qualifications) who wish to pursue a regulated profession in Italy, including those belonging to the liberal professions. This establishes rules according to which Italy, which makes access to or pursuit of a regulated profession contingent upon possession of specific professional qualifications, shall recognise professional qualifications obtained in one or more other Member States, allowing the holder of the said qualifications to pursue the same profession  in his territory.
It does not apply to nationals of a Member State who acquired their professional qualifications outside the European Community.
The following acts shall not be affected by Legislative decree no. 206 of 9th November 2007:
- Laws, regulations and administrative provisions on public administration;
- Agreements on the European Economic Area (EEA)
- Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, on the one hand, and the Swiss Confederation, on the other, on free mobility.

Use of the professional title

Nationals of the other Member States who are authorised to pursue the profession, shall use the Italian professional title which corresponds to the same profession in Italy, making use of any associated initials.
In case of professions not covered by enclosed V (5.7.1), VI (6), and by art. 53 (Legislative Decree no. 206 of 9th November 2007), professionals are allowed to use the professional title of the Member State of origin, only if it avoids any confusion with other professional titles.

Evidence of formal qualifications acquired outside UE

They are equivalent to the formal qualifications acquired in the EC, only when the country national has been pursuing the profession in a Member State for at least three consecutive years after the award, in the same State, of the formal recognition of professional qualifications.

Competent authority

The "Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (MIUR)" is the 'competent authority' specifically empowered by Italy to issue or receive training diplomas and other documents or information and to receive the applications, and decide about the recognition of the professional qualifications, referred both to free provision of services, or freedom of establishment.

Obbligo di comunicazione delle sanzioni disciplinari comminate

Gli Ordini hanno l'obbligo di comunicare al MIUR l'esistenza di tutte le sanzioni disciplinari che incidono sull'esercizio della professione (art. 8, comma 3).
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